Browser Support



May 2016



Jun 2017



Aug 2016



Sep 2016



Jun 2016

Internet Explorer

Not supported


Installing Dependencies


Import Your Resources

Import the sectional configurator logic and styling by adding the following tags to your webpage.

Use the minified JS url when deploying to production environments, or running performance tests in other environments. the “src” values for the tags below will be provided to you.

<script type="text/javascript" src="{importUrl}.min.js"></script>
<link href="{importUrl}.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> 

Use the un-minified JS url when deploying to development or staging environments

<script type="text/javascript" src="{importUrl}.js"></script>
<link href="{importUrl}.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> 

Available Resources

This package offers types tools for interacting with the Sectional Configurator SDK, listed below.

Each item is exported below the namespace given to the library MxtSectionalConfig. As a result, you’ll need to access them as members of that namespace

  • MxtSectionalConfigurator → MxtSectionalConfig.MxtSectionalConfigurator

  • MxtSectionalConfiguratorOptions → MxtSectionalConfig.MxtSectionalConfiguratorOptions

  • ManifestServices → MxtSectionalConfig.ManifestServices


We will set you up with credentials that give you read access to necessary repositories.

**Credentials for Nexus Server will be sent separately.

  • Private NPM Registry:

  • Repo: @mxt/mxt-sectionalconfig

Build Requirements

  • SCSS is provided and must be converted to CSS

  • Default icon assets are provided in assets folder and if using webpack, must be bundled in appropriately using file-loader

  • By default, other assets, such as assets for i18n, shaders, and sqlite readers are stored in our CDN and read from there.

  • Must be built in an environment that handles process.env (webpack, gulp, react, etc), otherwise use CDN (Reference the CDN instruction above. Please reach out with any questions you may have!).

Error loading urls from SCSS files

If using webpack to build your solution including our SDK, you may run into the issues documented here: . Make sure you add the missing url rewriting using the resolve-url-loader. Place it before sass-loader in the loader chain.

Build the .npmrc

Add the following code to a new .npmrc file at the root of your project.

_auth=<insert token here>

Open a terminal window and use the provided nexus credentials to generate your token with the following command. Substitute the token placeholder (including the “<“ & “>”) in the .npmrc with the output of that command.

echo -n 'myuser:mypassword' | openssl base64

Finally, add the spins dependency to your package.json.

  "dependencies": {
      "@mxt/mxt-sectionalconfig": "7.10.0",


Basic Usage

Configurator init with options. ? denotes an optional setting. A div with the id of sectional-config-container must be provided to inject the webgl canvas.

const initOptions:MxtSectionalConfiguratorOptions = {
  apiKey:"TODO: place your api key here",
  element: document.getElementById('sectional-config-container') as HTMLDivElement,
  eventCommunicator: new MxtSectionalEventCommunicator(UrlUtilities.getTargetOrigin())
const sectionalConfig = new MxtSectionalConfigurator(initOptions);
await sectionalConfig.init();

Initialization Options

Below is a complete list of the configurable options that are available to you when initializing

export interface MxtSectionalConfiguratorOptions {
    /** private access key to sectional */
    apiKey: string;
    /** Element to place the rendering canvas inside of */
    element: HTMLElement;
    /** Category id to load products from */
    categoryId?: string;
    categoryName?: string;
    eventCommunicator: MxtSectionalEventCommunicator;
    skuResolver?: ISkuResolver;
    colors?: {
        primary: IColor3,
        secondary: IColor3,
        dropShadow: IColor3
    /** Zoom Delta - in meters; defaults to .3 */
    zoomDelta?: number;
    /** Rotate Delta - in radians; defaults to .3 */
    rotateDelta?: number;
    /** Multiplier; amount of space product takes up in screen by default; defaults to .75. 1 would mean that the product takes up entire screen */
    fitToScreenMultiplier?: number;
    /** Multiplier; How much you can zoom out past the initial zoom. Defaults to 1.33. A value of 1 would mean that the initial zoom distance is the farthest you can zoom out */
    maxDistanceMultiplier?: number;
    /** Advanced camera options */
    camera?: {
        defaultRadius?: number,
        defaultMaxDistance?: number,
        defaultBeta?: number,
        defaultAlpha?: number,
        lowerBetaLimit?: number,
        upperBetaLimit?: number,
        lowerAlphaLimit?: number,
        upperAlphaLimit?: number
    renderConfig?: {
        unitType?: UnitType,
        fractionRoundTo?: number,
        dimensionLineColor?: IColor4
    dimensions?: {
        arrowScale?: number;
        lineScale?: number;
        overrideDimensions?: boolean;
    snapPlaneBuffer?: number;
    plugins?: MxtSectionalConfiguratorPlugins;
    customText?: {
        /** language should be an language ISO code (*/
        [language: string]: any;
        maxCornerWedges?: number;
        cornersSnapToEndsOnly?: boolean;

    /** Controls whether or not skus are added and removed as user interacts with the configurator.  Defaults to true*/

SKU Resolution

Bidirectional SKU resolution to go between a Marxent Product and a client SKU (and vice versa). To resolve SKUs in a custom manner, provide a SKU resolver class to the following spec, at initialization.

import { Product } from '@mxt/mxt-services/lib/datatypes/Product';
import { AssemblyWizardStep } from '@mxt/mxt-services/lib/datatypes';

export interface ISkuResolver {
    // Used to delimit SKU values when converted between an array or string
    delimiter: string;
    * Convert a product to a sku (or a list of skus). Also provide back the 
    * assembly wizard step that that sku is currently sitting on (or null if it is the root product)
    * @param product
    productToSkus(product: Product): Map<AssemblyWizardStep, string>;
    * Convert an array of skus to a Product. This is the direct inverse of 
    * productToSkus. Any list of skus here should product a unique product,
    * and that product, when put in productToSkus, should produce the exact 
    * same list of skus.
    * @param skus
    skusToProduct(skus: string[]): Promise<Product>;

A basic example:

import { Product, ProductRouter, ProductAssembly } from "@mxt/mxt-services/lib";
import { AssemblyWizardStep } from "@mxt/mxt-services/lib/datatypes";
import { ISkuResolver } from './ISkuResolver';
import log from "loglevel";

export class SkuResolver implements ISkuResolver {
    productRouter = new ProductRouter();
    delimiter = '|';

    productToSkus(product: Product): Map<AssemblyWizardStep, string> {
        const skus = new Map<AssemblyWizardStep, string>();
        skus.set(null, product.sku? product.sku: product.productId);

        product.forEachOnProductAssembly((selectedProduct, productAssembly) => {
            if (productAssembly && productAssembly.wizardStep.visible) {
                if (selectedProduct) {
                    if (selectedProduct.sku) {
                        skus.set(productAssembly.wizardStep, selectedProduct.sku);
                    else {
                        let _sku = '$$productId$$' + selectedProduct.productId
                        skus.set(productAssembly.wizardStep, _sku);

        return skus;

    async skusToProduct(skus: string[]): Promise<Product> {
        if(skus.length == 0) {
            log.error('WLASkuResolver::skusToProduct no skus provided');
            return null;
        const rootSku = skus.shift();
        if(!rootSku) {
            log.error('WLASkuResolver::skusToProduct no sku provided');
            return null;

        const allProducts = (await this.productRouter.queryProducts({
            clientSku: rootSku

        let rootProduct = allProducts.filter(rp => rp.categories.length > 0)[0];

        if (!rootProduct) {
            rootProduct = allProducts[0];

        rootProduct = await this.productRouter.populateFullProduct(rootProduct);

        //by iterating in same order, we guarantee sku order
        const toCheck:{product:Product, productAssembly?:ProductAssembly}[] = [{product:rootProduct}];
        while(toCheck.length > 0) {
            const p = toCheck.shift();

            if(p.productAssembly && p.productAssembly.wizardStep.visible) {
                if(skus.length > 0) {
                    const nextSku = skus.shift();
                    if(nextSku.startsWith('$$productId$$')) {
                        const pid = nextSku.replace('$$productId$$', '');
                        const product = await this.productRouter.getProduct(pid);
                        this.updateProductAssembly([product], p.productAssembly);
                    else if(nextSku == 'null') {
                        p.productAssembly.selectedProduct = null;
                    else {
                        const possibleProducts = await this.productRouter.queryProducts({
                            clientSku: nextSku
                        if(this.updateProductAssembly(possibleProducts, p.productAssembly)) {
                            p.productAssembly.selectedProduct = await this.productRouter.populateFullProduct(p.productAssembly.selectedProduct);
                    //update p.product so we add correct children below
                    p.product = p.productAssembly.selectedProduct;
                } else {
          'No sku provided for visible step id: ' +;

            if(p.product && p.product.productAssemblies) {
                for(let pa of p.product.productAssemblies) {
                    toCheck.push({product:pa.selectedProduct, productAssembly: pa});

        return rootProduct;

     * Attempts to update the product assembly and returns true if this was the correct product assembly for this product array,
     * false if this isnt the correct product assembly to update
     * @param products
     * @param productAssembly
    private updateProductAssembly(products:Product[], productAssembly:ProductAssembly): boolean {
        let found = false;
        for(let p of products) {
            if(productAssembly.wizardStep.macs.find(x=> == p.mac)) {
                found = true;
                productAssembly.selectedProduct = p;
        if(!found) {
            log.error('Could not find product from sku ' + products[0].sku + ' that matches macs on assembly step ' + productAssembly.wizardStep.stepType + ' for pids ' +>p.productId).join(','));
        return found;

This basic, generic, example does not account for things like the same SKU in multiple places on an assembly. For example, if you have a fabric cover with the same sku that can be used for pillows OR the frame of a sofa, you may need explicit ordering of skus to know what step to put things on.

**Make sure to add the “Tabbed Menu” described in “Customizing Content with 3D Cloud” in order to add/remove or style products in the scene.



Data Customizations

** These customizations will require access to the implementation in 3D Cloud.

  1. Create a top level Menu with the following values in the input fields:

    1. Label – (Whatever you use to name the menu. I use Configurable UI.

    2. Action – LOAD_MENU

    3. Type – SECTIONAL

  2. Add new items in the “Configurable UI” group. Items have to be set to type: BUTTON, TOOLBAR, or TOOLBAR_ACTIONS.

    1. If the item is a BUTTON, it will appear as a single button.

    2. If the item is a TOOLBAR, it will appear as a group and any items in that group will be buttons.

    3. If the item is a TOOLBAR_ACTION, it has to have a component in the codebase that will init.

    4. Items at this level will need to have a position to be set in the UI. Adding the menuPosition metadata key, you will assign the position of the button/group. Please see below for the usable values to input.

  3. Add a Tabbed Menu to the left side of the configurator.

    1. Create a new menu in 3D Cloud, “Tabbed View”, with type SCENE_CONFIGURATOR_TOOLBAR_TABS. Then create a submenu item for each of the following.

      1. “Product View”: [Type: PRODUCT_BROWSE, ParentMenu: Tabbed View]

        1. Add metadata, “text”, used to set the title of the tab.

        2. Set the order that this tab should appear in the tab bar.

      2. “Style View”: [Type: STYLEALL_CONFIGURATOR, ParentMenu: Tabbed View]

        1. Add metadata, “text”, used to set the title of the tab.

        2. Set the order that this tab should appear in the tab bar.

Usable menu types:




Usable metadata properties:

  • activeIcon

    • Used for adding an image that is the active state of an icon.

  • inverseImage

    • Used for adding an image that is the inverse or alternative state of an image.

  • menuPosition

    • Used to set the position for button group on top of the WebGL canvas. Usable enum values below.

      • TOP_LEFT

      • TOP_CENTER

      • TOP_RIGHT




  • toggle

    • Used to declare a data attribute as a toggle. Usable enum values below.

      • activeSelection


Adding Custom Landing Page Content for “No Products CTA”

  1. The landing page graphic can be overridden by adding a graphic to the Client Branding assets in 3D Cloud.

  2. Create a new asset and use the following values.

    1. Purpose – ctaNoProducts

    2. Label – Landing Page CTA No Products

  3. Upload the image you want to override the default image.

Customized Automatic Styling

If you would like to automatically style other assemblies in the scene based on a style selection, provide a styling plugin on initialization (a new class that implementing IStylingPlugin). This is also a great place to add additional analytics tracking.

Default StylingPlugin

import { IStylingPlugin } from '@mxt/mxt-sectionalconfig/lib/sectionalconfigurator/plugins/styling/IStylingPlugin';

export class CustomStylingPlugin implements IStylingPlugin {
    constructor(protected sectionDelegate:StyleSectionDelegate){}
    async onProductOptionClick(productId:string, img:string):Promise<void>{
        await this.sectionDelegate.swapAllByStepType(this.sectionDelegate.stepType, this.sectionDelegate.currentProduct);
import { CustomStylingPlugin } from "...";

const sectionalConfig = new MxtSectionalConfigurator({
    styling?: CustomStylingPlugin

Using the SDK & Event Communicator

Registering Events

You may register callbacks for a variety of UI, product, and other notification events, allowing you to act on them.

onResetButtonClick(payload?:any) => {
  // Define what happens when the reset button is clicked.


Available events include:


Response Data

  • This event is tied to the fullscreen button.

  • This event is tied to the help button.

  type: “ON_HELP_ACTION“
  • This event is tied to the selection of a product in the scene by clicking.

  data: {
    position: {
      x: number,
      y: number,
      z: number
    sku: string,
  • This event is tied to the reset button.

  • This event is tied to the share button.

  • Callback functions will be provided the following data:

    • image : string

      • This is the base64 canvas at the time the share button is clicked.

    • url: string

      • This is the project url at the time the share button is clicked, containing all configurations of the active products.

  type: "ON_SHARE_ACTION",
  data: {
    image: string, 
    url: string
  • This event is tied to the act of adding a product to the scene using SdkManager.addProduct.

  • You should update your menu after this event.

  payload: {
    activeProductsData: ChainNodeSkuPayload, 
    menuProductsData: ValidatedProductData
  • This event is tied to the act of adding a product to the scene using SdkManager.initProducts.

  • You should update your menu after this event.

  payload: {
    activeProductsData: ChainNodeSkuPayload,
    menuProductsData: ValidatedProductData
  • This event is tied to the act of adding a product to the scene using SdkManager.deleteAllProducts.

  • You should update your menu after this event.

  payload: {
    activeProductsData: ChainNodeSkuPayload,
    menuProductsData: ValidatedProductData
  • This event is tied to the act of adding a product to the scene using SdkManager.deleteProduct.

  • You should update your menu after this event.

  payload: {
    activeProductsData: ChainNodeSkuPayload,
    menuProductsData: ValidatedProductData

Events List

export enum SdkProductEvent {

export interface IInitProductsEvent {
    skus: string[];

export interface IAddProductEvent {
    sku: string;

export interface IAddProductsEvent {
    skus: string[];

export interface ISelectProductEvent {
    id?: string;
    index?: number;
    sku: string;

export interface IDeleteProductEvent {
    index: number;

export enum SdkUiEvent {
    ERROR_ADD_PRODUCT = 'errors.addProductSDK',
    ERROR_ADD_PRODUCT_DELEGATE = 'errors.addProductDelegate',
    ERROR_ADD_PRODUCT_RESOLVER = 'errors.addProductResolver',
    ERROR_ADD_TO_CART = 'errors.addToCart',
    ERROR_DELETE_PRODUCT = 'errors.deleteProductSDK',
    ERROR_DELETE_ALL_PRODUCTS = 'errors.deleteAllProductsSDK',
    ERROR_INIT_CONFIGURATOR = 'errors.initConfigurator',
    ERROR_INIT_PRODUCTS = 'errors.initProductsSDK',
    ERROR_INIT_PRODUCTS_SCENE = 'errors.initProductsScene',
    ERROR_INVALID_PRODUCT = 'errors.invalidProduct',
    ERROR_MOUNT_POINT_DATA = 'errors.mountPointData',
    ERROR_NO_ACTION = 'errors.noActionButtonController',
    ERROR_NO_CANVAS = 'errors.noCanvasScene',
    ERROR_PIN_CLICK = 'errors.pinClickDelegate',
    ERROR_SELECT_PRODUCT = 'errors.selectProductSDK',
    ERROR_VALIDATING_PRODUCT = 'errors.validatingProductResolveManager',
    RESET = 'reset',
    RESET_COMPLETE = 'pubresetcomplete',
    SET_NEW_CATEGORY = 'updatefamily',
    SET_NEW_CATEGORY_COMPLETE = 'pubupdatefamilycomplete'

export enum SdkScreenshotEvent {
    TAKE_SCREENSHOT = 'takeScreenshot',
    TAKE_SCREENSHOT_ALL = 'takeScreenshotAll',
    SCREENSHOT_TAKEN = 'screenshotTaken',

export enum SdkNotificationEvent {
    DISABLED_ARM_PIECE = 'notifications.disabledArmPiece',
    DISABLED_INSIDE_PIECE = 'notifications.disabledInsidePiece',
    MAX_CORNER_WEDGES = 'notifications.maxCornerWedges',
    OTTOMAN_ADD = 'notifications.ottomanAdd',
    UNAVAILABLE_PRODUCT = 'notifications.unavailableProduct'

Subscribing Directly to Events

If you prefer receive notification of events using event listeners instead of callbacks, that is also possible. This would be the suggested method when operating in an Iframe. The list of events below can be subscribed to.

SDK Manager Class

You may optionally provide a custom SdkManager on init. This class contains methods that you can use to interact with the sectional configurator canvas

import { 
} from '@mxt/mxt-sectionalconfig/sectionalconfigurator/sdk/ISdkManager';

export class SdkManager implements ISdkManager {
    eventCommunicator: MxtSectionalEventCommunicator;

        public mxtConfiguratorDelegate: MxtSectionalConfiguratorDelegate,
        eventCommunicator: MxtSectionalEventCommunicator,
    /* Render an arrangement of products (and configurations). 
    * example payload using pipe delimiter:
    * {
    *    skus: [
    *       `{baseSku_a}|{visibleStepSku_a0}|{visibleStepSku_a1}...`,
    *       `{baseSku_b}|{visibleStepSku_b0}|{visibleStepSku_b1}...`,
    *       `{baseSku_c}|{visibleStepSku_c0}|{visibleStepSku_c1}...`,
    *    ] 
    * }
    async initProducts(payload: IInitProductsEvent): Promise<SdkProductsData>;

    async addProduct(payload: IAddProductEvent): Promise<SdkProductsData>;

    async deleteAllProducts(): Promise<void>;

    async deleteProduct(payload: IDeleteProductEvent): Promise<SdkProductsData>;

    async selectProduct(payload: ISelectProductEvent): Promise<SdkProductsData>;

    async takeScreenshotOfSingleProduct(options: IMxtSectionalConfiguratorScreenshotOptions): Promise<string>;
    async takeScreenshotOfAllProducts(options: IMxtSectionalConfiguratorScreenshotOptions): Promise<Array<string>>;

    // Get information about the active products in the scene, as well as the menu 
    // products.
    getProductsData(): SdkProductsData;
    getSelectedProduct(payload: ISelectProductEvent): ChainNodeSkuPayload;

    // Register a callback to the specified SdkUiEvent or SdkProductEvent.
    addCallback(event: SdkUiEvent | SdkProductEvent, cb: (data?: any) => void): void;

    onInitProducts(data?: any): void;

    // Render current active products, plus an additional product (and configurations
    // ) at the rightmost position.
    onAddProduct(data?: any): void;

    onDeleteProduct(data?: any): void;
    onDeleteAllProducts(data?: any): void;
    async onErrorAction(data: { error: { message: string, stack: any }, type: SdkUiEvent }): Promise<void>;

    onFullscreenAction(data?: any): void;

    onHelpAction(data?: any): void;

    onReset(data?: any): void;

    onSetNewCategory(data?: any): void;

    async onShareAction(): Promise<void>;

    onNotificationMessage(data: string): void;

    // Get a x64 image of a single product in the current sectional arrangement.
    async onTakeScreenshotOfSingleProduct(message: any): void;

    // Get a x64 image of each product in the current sectional arrangement, returned
    // as an array of strings (in arrangement order).
    async onTakeScreenshotOfAllProducts(message: any): void;

    onResetProducts(): void;

    // Display all elegable positions for the provided product.  Once a position 
    // is clicked, render the new product at that position in the scene. 
    // To cancel product selection, set the sku property on the payload to: null
    onSelectProduct(data?: { sku: string, position: IVector3 }): void;