404 Errors

  • There are some common 404 errors on startup of our application that you may see

    • GET https://cdn.3dcloud.io/mxt-3d-spin-viewer/7.10.0/locales/en-us/mxt-2d-spins.json 404

    • GET https://cdn.3dcloud.io/mxt-spins-common/7.10.0/locales/en-us/mxt-2d-spins.json 404

    • GET https://cdn.3dcloud.io/mxt-3d-spin-viewer/7.10.0/locales/en-us/mxt-2d-spins.json 404

    • GET <myurl>locales/en-us/mxt-3d-spins.json

    • GET <myurl>locales/en-us/mxt-kongfigurator.json

    • GET <myurl>locales/en-us/custom.json

    • GET <myurl>locales/en/custom.json

  • Our i18n system uses a process of looking for most-specific to least specific i18n files

  • First it looks for the most specific language set (en-us, en-gb, etc)

    • We do not have an en-us language set, as we use the en file as our american english language set

  • As a result, it then falls back to the less specific language (en) to look for the language set files

    • Note that our configuration is set up to always look for a custom.json file to look for client-specific overrides. You may not have any client specific overrides, and as a result it may even 404 on the “en” language set for custom.json

  • In summary, any 404s you may see that have “locales” as part of the URL are intentional parts of our i18n framework and would NOT break any app functionality